1 West Blackwell St.
Dover, NJ 07801

The Richards Building
Standing proudly at 1 West Blackwell Street in the heart of Dover, New Jersey, the Richards Building (also known as the Newberry Building) is a centerpiece - in terms of both location and historic significance - for Dover's downtown. This beautiful landmark building, which has stood for over a century as a silent witness to the bustling history of Dover, is poised for a renaissance under new ownership. Our goal: to protect, preserve and restore the Richards Building while making smart investments that create a vibrant contributor, both aesthetically and economically, to the future of Dover and its downtown.
This website is organized along the themes of Past, Present and Future. We hope it will help you better understand the history of the building, stay updated on our progress, and better understand our plans and ideas. Once you've had a chance to explore the site, don't hesitate to reach out using our contact form, and please sign up for our mailing list to have updates sent directly to your inbox. We appreciate your interest in the Richards Building!